Sharing the Journey

I am so excited to share with you a local organization, Reagan’s Journey Inc ( This organization is making a major impact one medical item, one moment, and one life at a time. How do they do this? Their mission states “Reagan’s Journey Inc. exists to make life better for children with special needs through 3 primary means: special events, a lending closet, and raising awareness.”
1. The Special Events:

They host special events at free or low cost to provide an opportunity for families to meet, share, and support one another in their journeys. In the past, they have hosted Christmas and even pool parties. Just this past February, local Family Bowlaway Fun Center partnered with them to pull off a successful, fun day of pizza, laser tag, and unlimited bowling, all in an accessible environment. Reagan’s Journey Inc.’s goal for each event is that every child’s uniqueness be celebrated. They want to foster activities where families can relax, be themselves, and simply enjoy one another. Ready to connect with a supportive community? Visit their Facebook Group “Navigating the Journey”
2. The Lending Closet:

Just like siblings know the benefit of borrowing clothes from one another, wouldn’t it be great if everyone had a sister whose closet was stocked with a wide variety of equipment to pull from? Reagan’s Journey Inc. has made it their mission to be that accessible sister. They know the importance of having just the right equipment so kids can dream big, not be held back, and truly reach their potential. They understand the difficulties families face when insurance can only cover one piece every five years yet our kids’ growth spurts and developmental changes are not bound by such a schedule. Reagan’s Journey Inc. is able to partner with a variety of local agencies, hospital social workers, therapists, and regular families like yours, in order to keep a well-stocked closet of equipment like wheelchairs, walkers, standers, adaptive seating, and medical supplies.
The people at Reagan’s Journey Inc. are committed to making sure medical supplies never go to waste. So when an overabundance might come in, they partner with local and even global agencies like The Children’s Home of Pittsburgh and Lemieux Family Center, Shriners Hospitals for Children, Autumn Marshall, and Global Links who can deliver the equipment to children and families in their neighborhoods.
Do you have a useful piece of medical equipment that has been outgrown or unused? Consider donating it to Reagan’s Journey where they can get it to the hands of someone in much need of it. Bewildered about how to meet your child’s equipment need? Contact Reagan’s Journey Inc. to see if your item is in the closet; e-mail INFO@REAGANSJOURNEY.ORG You can also join their other Facebook Group, “Reagan’s Journey Lending Closet” at This Facebook Group will allow you to see photos of all inventory that can be found in the Lending Closet.
3. Raising Awareness and Improving Communities

Part of sharing a journey means sharing stories. Reagan’s Journey Inc. works to raise awareness. Knowledge is the first seeds to “making our communities a better place for children with special needs to live.”
Want more information? Contact Reagan’s Journey Inc. here
Now that you know a little about Reagan’s Journey Inc., I hope you check them out closer, connect, or share with a friend. Everyone is on a journey, let’s see how we can help one another and MAKE LIFE BETTER.