Time to reflect… It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood

I was saddened by Mr. Roger’s passing in February 2003 as it hit home for me. It got me thinking about all the good he did in his life time.  When you think of Mr. Rogers, you think of all the joy and comfort he brought to many lives.

Mr. Rogers grew up in Latrobe, Pennsylvania, a small town between the western-most ridge of the Allegheny Mountains and the Pittsburgh region.

For a time, Fred Rogers’ childhood was difficult. He was overweight, somewhat shy, introverted, and struggled most of his childhood with asthma. As he grew older, he began to become more confident to be himself, even as much as becoming elected president of the student council in his senior year! He spoke kindness every day and always, through his actions, inspired others to be kind.

There was always something comforting about sitting in front of the television and watching Mr. Rogers and his imaginary friends come to life. He always brought so much sunshine even on a cloudy day!  Many children struggle in life and it nice to know that Mr. Rogers strived to make a difference, to bring hope and joy to those who may have felt shy, awkward, or different.  What an inspiration!

I think there is so much to be said about the impact that Mr. Rogers made. I know and as you all know… many “Super heroes” wear a cape such as Batman, Superman but truly what makes a super hero? To me it doesn’t have to be a cape or something outstanding… it can be little acts of kindness daily… it is Mr. Rogers and the many folks that go out every day to make a difference in someone’s life…. making life a little easier, or safer, or even more independent in choices.   Choosing to inspire!

On November 13th we celebrated National Kindness Day, the day everyone wore their sweaters in honor of Mr. Rogers. It was so amazing to me but not surprising to see so many people taking the initiative to wear their sweater of kindness. When I go out to train in the community, it is such a wonderful time for me because, just like Mr. Rogers, I look to the helpers. Every day I am humbled by helpers in the community. Not always do they wear a sweater but their kindness and dedication shines through in their actions.  Maybe the waitress where I grab a bite to eat, or the Police Officer who supports the community where we live, and yes, the many direct support professionals and supportive staff that continually work to give the person they support an endless opportunity of independence. They are the real Super Hero’s!! Just like Mr. Rogers, they make a difference in people’s lives daily. They sometimes work endless hours and sacrifice their family time on holidays to care for someone in need of their time and support.  I remember a young lady telling me a story about taking a gentleman home for Christmas to be with his family because his mom and dad were elderly and not able to travel. Did I mention it was 6-hour drive round trip! This meant not spending time with her own family.  Another gentleman spent the weekend at the hospital because he knew the young man he supports was afraid of hospitals and didn’t want him to be there alone. A young man stood in the rain, sleet and snow at a holiday parade to collect candy for his housemate because his roommate was ill and couldn’t be there, He couldn’t wait to surprise him! Even the parade participants were humbled by his act of kindness! Inspiration and admiration!

When I’m in the community and I see or hear some of these humbling stories… It makes me think of some of the quotes Mr. Rogers left us with.

“If you could only sense how important you are to the lives of those you meet; how important you can be to the people you may never even dream of. There is something of yourself that you leave at every meeting with another person.”

Fred Rogers

“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.”

Fred Rogers

Know that YOU, you yourself, are a hero with every kind choice, every act of service, each  kind word, and every smile. Everyday is an opportunity to wear our sweaters and follow his example in our interactions with others and to always try to be the reflection you want see in others.

Margie Fend, RN

Margie is a Registered Nurse at Milestone HCQU West.

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