Everything’s Cancelled and I Feel Sad

 It’s been two months since we were put in quarantine. In two months our world has changed. We watched spring bloom from the confines of our couch. We saw Easter and Mother’s Day come and go. Maybe we got to see some family. Maybe we didn’t. And as the counties move from ‘red’ to ‘yellow’, we can’t help but wonder, when will we be ‘green’?

It’s hard enough dealing with the immediate impact that quarantine has had on people. But in the moment, we deal with it. We don’t have a choice, and we do it. What is starting to get harder and harder to deal with is that all of the events and things in summer that we usually get to look forward to are also already being cancelled.

We as a people can deal with a lot, especially when we can see the light on the horizon. But what happens when the horizon remains dark? Uncertainty looms and thoughts wonder, will I ever get to go to a concert again? A festival? An amusement park? The county fair?

Let’s talk about the difference between entertainment and pleasure. A lot of the things that we look forward to are things that entertain us. Think about going to the movie theater or an amusement park. Huge spikes of adrenaline happen from anticipation of the event, we’re excited when the event happens, and maybe also a little frightened. But, there is something that is longer lasting and provides more of a sense of peace. That is pleasure. Pleasure means taking the time to enjoy each little moment of something, whether it’s sitting outside watching the clouds or holding hands with a loved one. We can start to enjoy the sensations, feelings, and utilize our senses to enjoy the small things.

So, maybe not everything is cancelled. Maybe, there are a lot of things that we can still do. They may not be our usual forms of entertainment. But maybe in that, we will find something deeper, and perhaps even more meaningful. Perhaps we will find pleasure in some unexpected ways while staying safe and maintaining good social distancing and proper hand hygiene!

  • Set up an outdoor show – watch a free “live” concert via YouTube. If you can, set it up on a projector with some nice speakers and really do it up . Project it on the side of your house! If not, even just watching on a tablet or computer, especially outdoors can step up the live experience a notch… if concert’s aren’t your thing , what about a “drive-in” style movie?
  • Participate in things like the HCQU’s Tour of Summer, or any other organizations wonderful efforts to bring ideas of interest, activities, joy and pleasure. If something interests you, do it. Even if you’re not registering and doing it “officially”, you can still have loads of fun and make memories that will last a lifetime. Click here to go on your own Tour of Summer with these daily ideas.

It is especially important to try not to get stuck on all the things that are cancelled and that we can’t do, and instead, try to remember and practice daily, all the things you can do!

Brian Speakman, MA, NCC

Brian is a Behavioral Health Specialist at Milestone HCQU West.

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