Power of Expression

As you’ve heard me say before I love words. I love reading them and writing them. Language intrigues me, but more than that I think it is communication that is so fascinating. From the various spoken languages around the globe to the dawn of ASL, from expressionism to impressionism, from telegraph to telephone people have found ways to communicate.  (Technology sure aids in communication, things like e-mails, video calling, texts, augmentative and alternative communication devices, the list goes on.) However, let’s not overlook something that has been around for…well like forever.  Music! Music is such a powerful tool to convey story, emotion, and every expression including humor!

I want to invite my readers today to check out a particular blog at Purely Patrick. Here, Patrick’s mother relays what music has meant to her son and how it is a very real way he communicates. “For the Love of Music” posted May 30, 2017 https://purelypatrickblog.wordpress.com/2017/05/30/61/

Let’s not underestimate the power of expression and communication. Let’s not stifle the amazing beauty and complexity of the human mind by failing to provide the right tools. Let’s, like Patrick’s mom, find out if music helps someone be heard. Or see if a pen, a camera, art, or any assistive device out there can be someone’s outlet to make someone seen, known, and understood.

Jillesa Shotts

Jillesa is the Administrative Assistant at Milestone HCQU West.

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