The HCQU Photo Tour

As we headed into the summer of 2020, we knew a lot had changed. Sure, we looked forward to summer with the normal amount of gladness to once again be able to go outdoors and not have to get all bundled up. And maybe this summer, the ability to get outdoors was especially appreciated, after a springtime in which everything had gone into lockdown. Confined by restrictions related to social distancing and quarantine health conditions, people at the HCQU knew there would be more need than ever to have a way to get outside, get active, and have something fun and interesting to look forward to.

And thus, the Tour of Summer was launched. This endeavor registered individuals with ID/DD into a photography contest, where they received a Tour of Summer Photo Card with 30 different photography challenges. They were then asked to send in their top five favorite photos – and what beautiful photos they were!!! We at the HCQU were so impressed and grateful to have the opportunity to look at such wonderful photographs taken by so many great individual photographers throughout the HCQU’s nine county area.

The Tour of Summer featured a top three photograph prize category, and a top three Photo Card completion prize category awarding such prizes as full sized cornhole board sets, ladder ball sets, and various prize bags with all sorts of goodies. Lately, the contestants have been winning blown up versions of their winning photographs on stretched canvas prints!

The Tour of Summer has continued much to the delight of participants and the HCQU team throughout six different tours now. Three tours during the three months of the summer, and then a Tour of Fall, a Holiday Tour, and a Tour to Your Health! With over 250 photographs submitted throughout 9 months from over 50 different photographers, we are so pleased to present to you a small sample in the video below of some of the great photography we have gotten to see and marvel at over the last nine months. Thank you so much photographers – keep snapping those shots – and we’ll see you next tour!!

Click to watch our brief video.

April 1st launched the newest tour – the Spring Tour; it’s Mad Lib style! Please enquire for registration opportunities; it’s never too late! Call 724-283-0990 or e-mail

Brian Speakman, MA, NCC

Brian is a Behavioral Health Specialist at Milestone HCQU West.

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