Thank-you, Blessings, & Farewell

Life is marked by a great many milestones. As I watch my son at six months old, I am reminded of how we all begin. At first, it is simply being able to hold your head up, learning to eat and drink, smile and giggle, crawl and walk, talk and write. We grow up, we learn to the best of our abilities, and hopefully we accomplish all that we have set out to do. There comes a time in life when transition is necessary in order to continue to grow, flourish and thrive. Like a caterpillar who’s gone into his cocoon for a time of transformation, I look back now on the amazing 13 and a half years where I have had the privilege to serve within this organization with some truly unforgettable people.

Right at the top of the list of unforgettable life changing experiences was my opportunity to go out to Albuquerque, New Mexico and learn Nonviolent Communication from the guru himself Marshall Rosenberg. Attending conferences on topics such as Nonviolent Communication, Autism, Positive Approaches, Schizophrenia, EMDR, Trauma and Treatment and a great many others have given me far beyond any education I received in a school building. Meeting presenters like Temple Grandin, Patch Adams, and Dave Hingsburger, amongst so many others, have left lasting impressions of what it means to live a life of service and purpose.

But the people and experiences that have left the most lasting impression are those indelible souls that have attended all those trainings and participated in all those ITA’s with me over the last decade plus. The staff who have dedicated themselves through thick and thin in the support of individuals with ID/DD.  Their sense of purpose, and sense of humor brought trainings to life with thought provoking questions and often hearty laughter. I estimate that I have trained thousands of unique individuals over this span of my career, and hundreds of individuals with ID/DD. These amazing individuals have definitely taught me more than I could have ever hoped to teach them.

As I contemplate my next adventure, I know that the memories and lessons learned from all of my teachers and students have helped to shape me into the person that I am today. I am proud to be the person that I am, and I am so proud to have had this opportunity to work for the HCQU in service to some of the most amazing individuals I can ever hope to know. 

Thank you, thank you, thank you – from the bottom of my heart – for all that you do and all that you are.  My life has been better because of each and every one of you.

If you know someone who might have been in a class with me, or may have known me through trainings, ITA’s or some interaction with the HCQU, please tell them for me, thank you, thank you, thank you – just by you being you – you have enriched my life and helped me in so many ways.  I will treasure my time with the HCQU always, because of you.

And to the best dang HCQU teammates in all the land – it has been an honor to work and serve with you. It has been a blessing, an education and truly a life-enriching experience that will live on in the work that I do and the lives that I connect with forever going forward. Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you! Much love now and always – Brian Speakman, HCQU BHS

Our hearts are full, here at the HCQU, as we all wish Brian every happiness and a bright future in his personal and professional life.

Brian Speakman, MA, NCC

Brian is a Behavioral Health Specialist at Milestone HCQU West.

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