Coming Out of the Cocoon

The vaccination rate is climbing, the wearing of masks is decreasing, and we are venturing out into the world again.  If you are like me, the world feels new, and the same, and wonderful, and overwhelming.  I couldn’t wait to hug my friends and family after not seeing them in over a year.  The joy of sitting on a couch and talking with my best friend….in-person, for hours, is indescribable.  It was hard after such a long period of time to remember what exactly I used to like to do.  But maybe that was one the gifts I received from a global pandemic?  A chance to emerge into the world not beholden by the things that I always do, but with a fresh clean slate to try new things that I have never done.  Don’t get me wrong, the pandemic didn’t change my fear of heights so I am not adding skydiving to my list.  But maybe instead of doing laundry on a Sunday afternoon, my family and I can listen to music at our local park.  I’ve always wanted to take a class to learn how to create stained glass art or play the piano.  There are hundreds of things on my bucket list and maybe now is the time to do it.  If you are feeling the same way or wondering where to start, take a look at our community participation page: There are so many cool things happening in our area to help us emerge from our pandemic cocoon. 

Natalie Symons, RN

Natalie is the Director of Milestone HCQU West.

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