Virtual Cooking Classes for Self-Advocates

Food…it’s something we all enjoy and can’t live without.  It brings people together and creates opportunities for us to gather and enjoy one another’s company while making memories.  For a lot of people, the most appetizing thing about food, of course, is eating it; however, for others it’s the cooking aspect.  You may not know it, but there are many health benefits to cooking a meal.  You eat fewer calories, even though you may not realize it, you are more aware of what you’re putting into your body, you make healthier food choices, and it stimulates your brain, just to name a few.

Those we support might not always make the best nutrition choices or have the know-how to cook a meal, or even be given the opportunity.  What if you could help them learn these skills?  Do you support someone who would like to learn how to make healthier choices and/or enjoys cooking or helping to prepare a meal?  If so, then they might appreciate our upcoming Virtual Cooking Classes with Registered Dietician, Laura Yautz.

Used with permission by Laura Yautz, RDN, LDN, NBC-HWC,

In these hands-on, virtual cooking classes, participants will cook an entrée and side dishes from start to finish.  Each month follow along as Laura demonstrates new recipes.  She will also share nutrition facts and trivia, how to read nutrition labels, and explanations of cooking terminology.  Gather housemates, staff, and co-workers to prepare and cook a healthy, delicious meal and then sit down and enjoy eating it together.  The ingredient list and equipment list for each recipe will be emailed a week prior to the class so you can be prepared and ready to cook.

Classes are limited to 4 groups.  Participants should be prepared to actively engage in activities and discussion by utilizing the webcam and audio features of the Zoom platform.  For dates, times, menus, and how to register, please visit our website,

“No one is born a great cook, one learns by doing.” 

Julia Child

Denise Quinn

Denise is the Training Coordinator at Milestone HCQU West.

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