The Mark Cuban Cost Plus Drug Company

Dallas Mavericks’ owner and tech entrepreneur, Mark Cuban, has received many business pitches during his lengthy career, but in 2018 a cold email from a man named Dr. Alex Oshmyansky stuck out to him.

In the email Oshmyansky asked Cuban for an investment in his company, Osh’s Affordable Pharmaceuticals. Cuban had some ideas of his own regarding affordable medicine, so an email exchange between the two began. Four years later, the Mark Cuban Cost Plus Drug Company opened in January 2022 with Oshmyansky as the chief executive. The company offers an array of generic medications to customers at low prices and does not accept insurance.

The company uses cost-plus pricing and marks each drug up 15%, then charges a $3 pharmacy fee if applicable. The company showcases possible savings on its website and shows exactly how its pricing was calculated. The company says it prides itself on having no middleman and being transparent with consumers about how they reached the final cost of the medications.

At this time, not all drugs are available.  Visit to see if a medication is available and the cost. 

Natalie Symons, RN

Natalie is the Director of Milestone HCQU West.

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