Silence the Power of Addiction; Give Voice to the Victims

News about the COVID pandemic has covered our globe. It has been plastered on every form of media and everyone knows the concerns, precautions, and fatalities. But another national epidemic continues to grow under the surface. It may not have been broadcast in our local news hours or published in bold, capital typeface but the seriousness of statistics should not be ignored. The tragedy of deaths by overdose continues to worsen.
CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics reports an estimated 100,306 drug overdose deaths in the United States during a 12 month period ending April 2021. This is a devastating increase from just one year before where deaths numbered 78,056; that means fatalities are up 28.5%.

Just looking at opioids alone, the data estimates overdose deaths to have increased in one year from 56,064 to 75,673. Consider all the medications the people we support have been prescribed. How many are synthetic opioids or psychostimulants? The same 12 month period showed an increase of overdose deaths from synthetic opioids, primarily fentanyl, and psychostimulants like methamphetamine.
The statistics are staggering and the great loss alarming. In 2015 the total overdose deaths were about 44,000. Now, that number is more than doubled. How high does it have to rise before we speak up about the destruction of addiction and the resources that can make a difference? We need to help give voice to the victims before addiction silences another life. Every person has intrinsic value; don’t let this treasure be snuffed out by addiction.
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