Upcoming Opportunities for Learning

Image of orange background with a computer laptop, sticky note that reads Fall Syllabus 2023 and a coffee sitting nearby. The bottom of the screen displays a digital web search bar with magnify glass and text reads "sign up now"

Very soon we will start to see the first signs of fall, school supplies line the store aisles, everything is flavored with pumpkin and spices, and the mornings start with a crispness in the air.  Another sign that Autumn is on the horizon, is that we release our Fall Syllabus.  We are excited to share with you several new presenters along with some of our favorites. 

Trooper Jim Long is the Public Communications Officer and will be sharing his knowledge regarding Internet Safety.  Many of the people we support turn to the internet to seek out connections and friendships, but something goes awry.  This presentation will help us as families and caregivers assist the person in navigating the internet. 

Barb Bancroft, RN, MSN, NP will discuss the different concerns of the GI Tract.  Often we take for granted, that we eat and everything goes well.  However, for many people we support, the GI tract can be a cause of pain or discomfort.  Join us for Part 1 & 2 to learn how you can support someone who may be struggling.

Maria Rabaino is a wheelchair user and a founding member of the dance troop “The Rollettes”.  She will host a fitness class in which everyone can participate no matter their fitness level.  Take this class with several people you support and everyone can have a great time learning some new moves on their health journey.

A gateway disease that can lead to blindness, high blood sugar, and nerve pain.  What is Diabetes?!  Join us for our first ever Diabetes Jeopardy game and learn more about this disease that so many people have and what we can do to improve our own health and the health of those we support.

Constipation is the most diagnosed condition for people with ID in our region.  Registered Dietician, Laura Yautz is going to be sharing how we can make changes to our diets to help alleviate constipation.

All of our trainings are free and everyone is welcome to attend.  Click this link to go to the guest speaker & special events page of our website to register: https://milestonepa.org/health-care-quality-units/milestone-hcqu-west/special-speaker-series

Natalie Symons, RN

Natalie is the Director of Milestone HCQU West.

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