Words Hit Like A Fist

Photo of Words Hit Like a Fist cover. This resource card is available to help raise awareness.

In the past year, our HCQU team has been working with a young person with an intellectual disability that has experienced physical, verbal, and emotional abuse.  All of it has been documented and all of the right people have been informed to get this person help. 

I just celebrated my twenty first year at the HCQU and twenty seventh year working with people with disabilities.  Very little shocks me anymore, but in reading the notes of this case, anger rose to the surface. The documentation stated this person was frequently referred to as a “F****** Retard” by one of the people that was supposed to ensure safety and guide them to be successful in life. 

Yes…I know…Sticks and Stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me.  But, words do hurt.  Words can get stuck on a loop in our brain.  Words can change how we feel about ourselves and the world around us.  Words can lift us up or drag us down.  Words. The person using these words was explained as being gruff, not knowing any better, and rough around the edges.   If our community doesn’t stand up to these words, then who will?  If we don’t educate that the use of these words is wrong, who will?  If we don’t model the behavior that people with intellectual disabilities matter, how can we stop abuse?  

I was reminded of the cards that David Hingsburger and Vita created in 2008 when the movie Tropic Thunder came out and casually used hate speech as comedy.  Dave wrote about it and the creation of the card on his blog http://davehingsburger.blogspot.com/2008/08/words-hit-like-fist.html. That card titled “Words Hit Like A Fist” is not copyrighted and can be printed and used by anyone. 

Our HCQU Team will be giving them out in upcoming trainings and meetings so that everyone can spread that words hurt and the people we support matter.   We welcome you to join us.  Email me at nsymons@MilestonePA.org with the subject line “Words Hit Like A Fist” with your name and mailing address.  We will mail several of the cards so you have a tool when faced with the “R-Word”.

Natalie Symons, RN

Natalie is the Director of Milestone HCQU West.

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