Starbucks…Brewing More Inclusion and Accessibility

Who loves a good, hot cup of coffee?  I do!  It does not matter to me if I have that cup of coffee at home or at a coffee shop with a friend.

Perhaps you are someone who enjoys coffee and visiting a coffee shop from time to time with those you support.  Maybe you have gone into the shop but had difficulty entering or navigating through the store due to tight spaces.  Maybe you had trouble hearing or seeing due to the noise and glare from the lights.  Well, there is a popular coffee shop chain who has plans to change that. 

Starbucks is making their stores more inclusive and accessible to customers and employees with disabilities using the Inclusive Spaces Framework.  “The Inclusive Spaces Framework was created in partnership with a diverse community of customers, partners, and accessibility experts to develop scalable solutions for retail spaces.”  Starbucks new accessibility design is to help “expand independence, choice, and ease for all people across physical and digital spaces.”  These changes will be implemented to all newly built and renovated stores within the United States.  The first inclusive and accessible store opened in February in Union Market in Washington, D.C. 

Photo of friends surrounding a round table with full coffee cups and water. There is a creamy coffee colored border surrounding the photo with the word community in bold italics. This is created from a nonprofit subscription in Canva.

So, what changes will you see with an Inclusive Spaces Framework?  Below is a list of design ideas that are included.  You can learn more about each of these design ideas listed here

  • Updated Point-of-Sale
  • Customer Order Status Boards
  • Power-Operated Doors
  • Optimized Acoustics and Lighting
  • Inclusive Equipment Design
  • Paths of Travel
  • Connection

In addition to the above list, Starbucks will also employ people who know and use sign language.  Want to see what an accessible and inclusive Starbucks looks like?  You can take a virtual tour of the Washington, D.C. store.

photo of busy coffee shop accessible to many different people, including wheelchair users. The photo has a warm brown border much like coffee and displays the word inclusive above and the word space below. This image was created in a non-profit subscription of Canva.

With Starbucks making their stores inclusive and accessible to everyone, they are paving the way for other retailers to do the same.  They are showing us what all-inclusiveness can look like.  I like how one Starbucks employee put it. “Margaret, Starbucks district manager who oversees the store, says, “When I think about our core values, courage is one that I know we’ll lean into here. Another value – belonging – is what our customers will experience. We are going to make them feel like no matter who you are, we’re looking for ways to meet you right there.”  Let us all strive to keep those same core values…courage and belonging…for the people we support.

The next time you step into a Starbucks, tell them “Thank you” for the changes they are making so everyone can have the opportunity to enjoy a good cup of coffee with a friend!

All photos in this article from Canva with a non-profit access account.

Denise Quinn

Denise is the Training Coordinator at Milestone HCQU West.

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