Keep Active this Holiday Season

Holiday season is a time of year for lights, decorations, parties, and indulgence. It’s the festive time of year when we plan meals, bake cookies, make and eat candy, and have eggnog as well as other goodies. However, it is the time of year when Americans put on the most weight. It is easy to understand how the over indulgence happens, but the other issue around this time of year is activity. Due to the cold, damp, snowy, rainy weather it’s difficult to get outside to do anything. In addition, the time change makes it dark between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. All of this said, we need to keep active! It is very important to keep our bodies moving. Activity can help keep the extra pounds down around the holidays as well as keep your mood up as at times the holidays can be overwhelming and, for some, creates sadness.
There are ways that we can increase our activity during the holidays and the winter months that don’t cost money, or sometimes have low fees, and aren’t hard to do. Here are some of them:
1). Mall walking can be done by most, and even people who are wheelchair bound, or have difficulty ambulating, can benefit by being outside and going to the mall provides a change of atmosphere. Walking in the mall keeps people out of the weather and you can plan to go several times a week. Walking is a great way to get the physical activity needed to obtain health benefits. Plus, walking does not require any special skills. It also does not require a gym membership or expensive equipment.

2). YMCAs have many things to do. If people don’t want to buy exercise equipment, YMCA is a good option as some have exercise machines. As well as exercise machines they may have a pool. Swimming is an excellent alternative option to machines and exercises that are hard on the joints.
3). Walking outside in the snow when the weather is not too cold, if the person wants to be outside and there is no medical/behavioral issue that would prevent being outside, can be great exercise and a good time. Making snowmen and creating snow angels can be fun and good exercise. Be sure to bundle up and not be outside for too long at a time.
4). Inside activities can include a wide variety of things to do. Finding the beat you like and dancing can be a great activity. Try a gaming system that you can do some sports on it like tennis, bowling, or even dancing! If you don’t having a gaming system, no worries, try going up and down the stairs and everyday try to go just a little more.
Have a partner join in for fun and maybe a little competition. Whatever you do, it is more than just sitting in a chair and on a couch all day.
The CDC (Center for Disease Control) recommends that adults should engage in 150 minutes weekly of “moderate-intensity aerobic activity,” such as brisk walking, or 75 minutes of “vigorous-intensity aerobic activity” like running. For further recommendations from the CDC please visit:
Please be aware that under no circumstances should a person’s activity level be changed without a physician care and approval.