Information for People Who Have Special Needs Around Vision Difficulties

I want to share two Pennsylvania resources I recently discovered for those who are legally blind. First, you might be asking what does it mean to be diagnosed as legally blind? Well, according to my first resource, Pennsylvania Blind Association, “Legal blindness refers to clinically measured visual acuity of 20/200 in the better eye with best correction, or visual field of 20 degrees or less. An individual with one eye correctable to better than 20/200 and a visual field of better than 20 degrees is not considered legally blind.”

If you know or support someone who fits this description, I want to encourage you to reach out to Pennsylvania Blind Association at

When you get to this site, scroll down and notice a map of Pennsylvania. This map contains clickable counties of PA. When you click on any county a popup box appears with the name, address, and contact information of the person who can assist you with navigating available services.  During my interview with the Blind Association of Pennsylvania, I learned they provide assistance with transporting people to medical appointments. They also provide some other transportation services.  In addition, the agency offers “Tips and Tricks” to help in the home and out in the community for people who are blind.

The second site I discovered is the Bureau of Blindness and Visual Services in Erie. If you are blind, or support someone who is, this is another great resource. Contact the Bureau for assistance via telephone 814-871-4401 or website at

I spoke with the Executive Director, Krysta Carson for the Pennsylvania Blind Association in Clarion County. (  Ms. Carson was very knowledgeable and felt that it is important for all people who are legally blind, or their support teams, to contact the agency to discover if there is any untapped assistance or resources.  Please don’t hesitate to visit these beneficial sites and reach out to your county contact. These just might be the helping hand, the assistance you need.

Amy Simon, RN, CDCES

Amy is a Registered Nurse with Milestone HCQU West.

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