Direct Support Professional Week 2020

This year has proven once again how innately important our Direct Care Professionals are every day. During this pandemic the importance of our DSP’s has continued to shine through on a daily basis. Many DSP’s have gone above and beyond their typical duties this year to make sure the person they support received the services they needed. Often this meant personal sacrifices and thinking outside of the box so that no person was left behind. How do we even begin to thank these essential people for the vital work they do every day?

We began a Direct Support Professional Appreciation project a little over a year ago to recognize those people who go above and beyond to make sure the people they support are not only safe but living happy, full lives. Many of these people encourage those they support to try new things as well as to pursue their dreams.

According to the York Daily Recorder there are approximately 55,000 DSP’s working in Pennsylvania. That’s a lot of people who go to work every day, wearing multiple hats, often at the same time. There are many who not only go to work, prepare meals, and help with daily hygiene, but also may paint nails, teach people to cook, show people how to use a camera, how to use a computer to stay connected with friends and family, and talk about developing healthy relationships.

If you are a Direct Support Professional, we at the HCQU want to thank you for the service you provide. Your dedication, sacrifice, and service are what holds this system together. It is an honor to work along side you. If you see a Direct Support Professional, please make sure to tell them that they are appreciated!

Kelly Fisher, RN

Kelly is the Clinical Supervisor at Milestone HCQU West.

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