Cooking Together with Thyme in Your Kitchen

Cooking can be such a cherished art that brings people together. Thyme In Your Kitchen cooking class did exactly that! Thyme in Your Kitchen is located in the beautiful Sharon, PA area and offers a variety of cooking classes. Chef Garron hosts the events and makes sure everyone feels right at home.
A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of sharing this culinary experience with some great people. There were three people in each group. Everyone put on aprons and came with enthusiasm to cook. The menu featured sausage bean soup, red pepper chicken, and pumpkin custard. It was exciting to watch and see what can be accomplished when people work together!

With each individual practicing cooking skills, the class not only brought people together, it also boosted independence. Everyone was eager to refine their individual cooking abilities, spend quality time in the kitchen, and most of all share this cooking experience with new acquaintances. They began with creating the sausage bean soup. The groups shared each aspect of the experience. Some people were stirring and mixing, while others were adding fresh ingredients. The sizzle of onions in a pan combined with the other ingredients warming in the hearty soup created a heavenly aroma that captivated the room.

Next, the group made delicious red pepper chicken. They meticulously prepared the chicken, achieving the perfect blend of flavors. After reaching the proper temperature, they combined the chicken with red peppers and mozzarella cheese. The students placed their beautiful creation in the broiler until the cheese melted.

Finally, pumpkin custard, made a delicious and seasonal dessert perfect for fall. This creamy smooth treat combines the warmth of pumpkin in the richness of a custard. It was perfect for this October gathering.

The finishing touch to this event was when everyone stepped back to see the results of their efforts. They had worked as a team but everyone honed their personal cooking skills. All of the groups sat together to relax and savor their work. The spread for the table was not only beautiful; it was delicious!