Author: Leslie Dollman

Leslie is the MIS Administrator at Milestone HCQU West.

Another Kind of Infection is Rapidly Spreading in 2022

Mobile malware is malicious software that’s specifically designed to target mobile devices, like smartphones and tablets. Mobile malware isn’t new, and it’s not as prevalent as malware that attacks the traditional computer, but it is increasing at a very alarming rate. In fact, Proofpoint recently reported there has been a 500% jump in mobile malware attempts in Europe since early...

COVID-19 Changed the Way We Work. How Much of That Change Will be Permanent?

Emergency/Disaster Preparedness is a term with which most of us are familiar. In its simplest definition, it refers to measures taken to prepare for and reduce the effects of an emergency or disaster. As providers of services for people with intellectual disabilities and autism, we have devoted significant time and resources to make certain that our agencies were prepared in...

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