Liftware-Specialized Utensils

For some, mealtime can mean relying on others to assist with eating. Or, it may bring about frustration while trying to be as independent as possible with meals. Some of the conditions that can affect a person’s ability to manage utensils could include cerebral palsy, spinal cord injuries, Parkinson’s, or physical impairment from a stroke.

Liftware is a product that has been designed to assist in making mealtime more successful for those with impaired mobility and tremors.  The Liftware Team states “We are a group of scientists and engineers working to develop new technologies that provide assistance for people with hand tremor and limited hand and arm mobility.” It works most effectively for people with mild to moderate hand tremor.

Liftware offers 2 types of utensils: 

Liftware Steady is designed to reduce the effects of tremors and increase stability of hand movement. Inside the handle are motion sensors and a small computer that can detect hand motion and can distinguish unintended movements from intended movements.  The computer then dictates to the handle to turn the two motors in the opposite direction of the tremor for stabilization.  The claim is that it reduces tremors by 70% when in use.  There is a test, “Is Liftware Steady Right for Me?” available on the website to determine if this product would be suitable for yourself or someone you support. Click on the link under FAQs for Liftware Steady to find out today:

Liftware Level was developed to assist people with limited hand and arm mobility to control the angle of the utensil being used.  Much like Liftware Steady, Liftware Level also has sensors and a small computer that detects and corrects the angle if it is tipped or tilted too much.

Both types of Liftware utensils contain magnets as part of their internal components. The Liftware Team does recommend that the utensil is kept within 6 inches from any type of implanted device such as a cardiac pacemaker.

To use the Liftware utensils the hand is slid through the strap on the handle.  The strap can then be adjusted to ensure it is comfortable and secure. To clean, the utensil can be removed from the computerized handle portion and placed in the dishwasher. The handle itself can be wiped with an antibacterial wipe. Liftware comes with a USB charger and holds a charge for one hour.

Liftware utensils can be used with most foods that are bite-sized.  However, the website does state that it should not be used with dense foods such as frozen ice cream or hard to cut foods, as it may bend. There are other attachments that can be purchased for the handle. 

It does carry a steeper price than just normal silverware or some of the other adaptive/built up utensils.  But what is the cost for being independent during meals and being able to manage mealtime with reduced frustration? Priceless!  Visit for more information on cost and additional products.

Below is a link to watch a video that illustrates how Liftware works:

Jenifer Baker, RN

Jenifer is a Registered Nurse at Milestone HCQU West.

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