Staying Healthy During the Holidays

The Holiday season is upon us.  Trying to live up to unrealistic expectations, along with added responsibilities, can make the holiday season a very stressful time. During times of stress, we tend to forgo healthy eating and give up exercise.  Staying healthy, happy, and helping everyone around you is important.  It is also important to enjoy this festive time of year, without losing sight of your well-being.

Eating healthy and staying active around the holidays can be very challenging.  With all the festivities and busy demands trying to stay healthy can feel like a chore.  We want to share these tips to help you navigate a healthy route through the holidays.

  1. You may not be able to control the food you’re served.  You may see all types of savory and sweet treats that can tempt you as well.  Meet this challenge with these strategies:
    • If you are going to have a sweet treat, like cookies, candy, or cake, try to cut back on other carbs like bread and potatoes when eating the meal. 
    • If you are going to a party and asked to bring a dish, offer to bring a healthier dish not heavy with carbs or fats.
    • DO NOT skip meals to “save up” for a huge feast.  It will be harder to manage your blood sugar and you may be so hungry that you overeat. 
    • Attempt to eat meals at your usual times to keep your energy up and blood sugars normal. 
    • When faced with a big spread of holiday foods, make healthier choices. Have a smaller plate of the foods you like best and move away from the buffet table. Start your meal with vegetables, it can really help take the edge off of your hunger. 
    • Eat slowly.  Enjoy your meal. Do you know if takes almost 20 minutes for your brain to catch up to your stomach and tell you that you are full? 
    • Try to avoid or limit alcohol.  Some alcoholic drinks are heavy with sugary calories. Also, alcohol can interact with some medications.  Note, if drinking, always have a designated driver to be safe.  
  2. Keep moving.  It is certainly a busy time of year and keeping active can be overlooked.  The simple fact is, if you get moving, like taking a walk, you can make up for some of the extra calories that you’ve consumed.  Being active is also a great way to reduce stress and anxiety.  (Always be sure that you are cleared medically for any increase in activity.)
  3. Manage your stress and anxiety. The holiday season can bring great joy and fun.  However, the expectations we set for ourselves and others can stress out even the calmest person.  Take care of yourself and take breaks.  Find something you enjoy to wind down.  Set limits and stick to them. Try not to overspend, overindulge, and overeat/drink.
  4. Lastly, but just as important, get your rest.  Being busy can really put a squeeze on the hours you spend sleeping or resting. Sleep loss can make it harder to manage everything else in your life.  Try to get in your normal time of sleep, at the least, and rest more if you need it.

Additionally, keep these in mind to help you stay healthy and have a wonderful holiday season.

  • Wash hands frequently to help stop the spread of germs.  Remember, the flu season is also upon us.  Because the weather drives us all indoors more, we can spread viruses around easier. Take charge of your health and wash your hands often to prevent the spread of viruses and other illnesses.  Wash with warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds.  If no soap or water, use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol content.
  • Get vaccinated. Vaccinations save lives and can help prevent diseases.  Consult a physician regarding what vaccinations are appropriate for you.

Always keep in mind what the season is about: celebrating with friends and family.  Focusing on having fun and being in the moment, can help you guard against mindless eating and drinking. We hope you enjoy all the season holds for you and take proactive steps to maintain your health.

Amy Simon, RN, CDCES

Amy is a Registered Nurse with Milestone HCQU West.

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