Category: Resources

Evusheld Authorized: New COVID-19 Treatment

The FDA issued an emergency use authorization (EUA) for AstraZeneca’s Evusheld™. Evusheld is a new COVID-19 treatment designed to prevent COVID-19 infection in vulnerable and immunocompromised individuals who may not have an adequate immune response to COVID-19 vaccination. In immunocompromised patients, a vaccination may not generate enough immunity so they are still able to have a severe infection. Evusheld gives...

Myths and Facts Covid-19 Vaccination

Being armed with the most accurate information regarding COVID-19 and the vaccines can help you make an educated decision about vaccination. This short video may help answer some of the questions that you have and dispel some of the myths surrounding COVID-19 vaccinations. For more information you can go to Centers for Disease Control-Coronavirus 19 at and Johns Hopkins...


At the latest Pennsylvania Developmental Disabilities Nurses Network (PADDN) virtual conference Dr. Maulik Trivedi of StationMD was a guest speaker. He presented information on a growing trend in healthcare, telemedicine.  This company is geared specifically toward individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities in group residences. StationMD is staffed by board certified medical professionals who have experience in taking care of...

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